Saturday, 9 January 2016


Hello Ladies and gentlemen

You are welcome to Borgu Heritage Blog. The main aim and objective of this platform is to educate, entertain and disseminate information relating to Borgu culture and history.
It has been discovered that Borgu culture has the least available information in the Cyber-space. Which is one the thing this is trying to look into.
 Although, the admin of this blog is not hundred percent sound in the history of Borgu but because of his motives to progress the people of Borgu in the Cyber-space or blogospheric, this blog was created. So therefore, any post been posted here is open to correction and criticism. And this correction will be considered. 
Borgu Heritage is not only limited to blog posts, other social media platforms are available just to aid the dissemination of information. Social media Platforms such as Facebook page, twittTw account, YouTube page, email, Instagram page and phone number. Borgu heritage can be contacted through any of this handlers formerly listed. 
For now this page is facing some form of challenges ranging from running out of posts, lack of enough data and information, financial challenge, administration of this page and so on.
Visitors and readers can contribute there own quota depending on their capabilities, posts from  visitors are highly welcomed to be published, sponsorship from individuals will go a long  way in the existence of this page, financial support to achieve this mission, and lastly but not the least this blog is open to the public to become an admin.

In essence, Borgu Heritage is set up for a purpose to achieve a particular mission.  Only the admin can not achieve this goal. Unless there is support and unity among we the people of Borgu in particular and all visitors in general. Mind you this project is not meant for only the people Borgu but to all interested individuals.

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