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About Borgu Heritage

Culture according to Merriam Webster dictionary is the beliefs, customs, arts, etc. of a particular society, group, place, or time. While history is the study of past events.
Cultural heritage is the tradition, customs, arts and beliefs transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor. It is a legacy or inheritance.
The need to preserve our cultural heritage is a significant factor. Histories have known to be taught orally/ verbally and this form of learning/transmission of the history is fading out because of the emergence of the internet.  And it's very important for us all to adopt the tech advancement in teaching and promoting our culture. Borgu Heritage is about promoting the cultural heritage of the people of Borgu using the cyberspace. 
To know more about Borgu Heritage you can follow our posts and also remember to like, follow and subscribe to our social media handles. You can also get in touch with Borgu Heritage through our contact page. 

Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🙇🙇🙇

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