Monday, 4 November 2019

The advent of Wassangari in Borgu

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The attempt to explain the advent of the Wassangari ruling class into Borgu land varies and diverse as different historians and researchers have presented the history from their various paradigms. However it is very germane in refreshing our memory about different classes or groups in Barutem.
Today, Barutem is made up of two major groups and other minor groups. The first major group is the 'Batombu' or the 'Boko' people. While the second major group comprises of the'Wassangari'. 
The Batombu or the Boko people are classified as the "freemen; the aboriginals", they are known historically to be the land owners and they occupy positions such as chief priests in their various domains. The chief priest appease the gods of the land with sacrifice at the beginning of every new yam harvest. The chief priest have the traditional powers and authorities to prevent, cease, and stop quarrels, conflicts, crises, or war which poses threat or danger to the community. These complex beliefs and practices obviously exert powerful influence toward peace and social order among the aboriginal people. According to Michael Crowder, 1973 in his book titled 'Revolt in Bussa', he stated that "the fact is to this day representatives of the original inhabitants (that is the owners of the land), play an important part in the installation and burial of Kiara kings and in the government of the state". 
The Wassangari were believed to be the members of the Kisra migration or the people of Kisra, although there's no generally and universal acceptable history of Kisra legend. The history of Kisra is diverse, broad and wide. In Baatonu language, Kisra literally means 'to escape'. The history of Kisra is not our focus for now we shall look into it in later articles, so keep in touch. 
In its simplest meaning 'Wassangari' originates from the Hausa language "wa ya san Varun su", meaning "who knows their town", "cunning person", it could also mean "a stranger"; a person whose identity is unknown. 
Thus, it can be deduced that the Wassangari are immigrants whose origin and culture was unknown and were smart enough to have taken over the political power from the Baatombus(the land owners) without bloodshed. The Wassangari are referred to as the'ruling class'. 
Other minor groups will be posted later, please keep in touch to get updates on next posts.

Saturday, 24 August 2019

"Borgu" and "Deima"

Etymology of "Borgu"
Many people nowadays are not aware of how the word "Borgu" came in to use. Borgu is a manipulation of the word "Barugu". The word has undergone different kinds of manipulation and alterations before and during colonialism and till today.
Before the advent of the British into the Barugu land there have been a place in existence called "Baru" but because of the war then, the community became obsoleted. This Baru was known as "Barugu"  or "Baruten" both meaning the "Baru land" . An indigene of Barugu or Baruten is identified as "Barubi" or "Barutonu".  The Hausas pronounced Barugu as "Barugawa", while the Yorubas pronounced Barubi as "Baruba".
During the colonial era, the British pronounced Barugu as "Borugu" based on English phonetics. The whites been the educated ones and have control of the publicity, they wrote "Borgu" in their publications instead of Barugu. This was how the word Barugu was manipulated to Borgu which is now widely known.

"Deima"; Heritage
Deima is a Bartonu word for "heritage". The word in Bartonu can be literally translated as "what we met". Just like the sentence "ye sa deima wan mini" meaning "this is what we met". Another popular saying for deima in Barugu is yeba deima yeya barako, idesu deiman gari ko", meaning "what we met is what we do, let us talk about heritage".
Deima is the legacy passed from generation to generation. It is also an inheritance handed down from the past as a tradition. It is the cultural aspect that has been passed down through generations. In addition it is also the established norms of people.
Some of the traditions in Barugu;
1. Language
2. Names
3. Foods
4. Attire
5. Music, and among others

1. Language (Barum)
   Some of the languages in Barugu include Bartonum, Bokobaru, Bisan and other minor ethnic groups.
2. Names (Yinsiru)
    Some names in Barugu include Sabi, Yaru, Dado, Bake, Many, Sime and so on
3. Foods (Diyanu)
Barugu kingdom is widely known with its rich and unique in agriculture thereby making food sufficient for each household. Some of the foods are; wasawa, yennu, bataru, sokuru and so on.
4. Attire, Dressing, and Fashion (Yannu)
     The Barugus have their own mode of dressing and this dress is known as "Tako".

It is so unfortunate that most of these cultural heritages are fading away due to politics, and western influence. Prior to the emergence of the colonialist, Borgu Empire has maintained a solid and sound political organisation, but today there have been some abuse and negative influence to the political structure of Barugu.
Our history is our pride and the need to preserve these histories for the upcoming generation is vital for the unity of Barugu. Teaching the next generation about the history and cultural heritage of the great Barugu Empire is an approach to maintain the Deima.
So therefore, in line with this "Borgu Heritage"(this site) will focus on the history of some prominent historical figures in Barugu.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019


   Hunting was the oldest profession of the people of Barutem. The people hunt with dogs and Dane guns and also set traps for animals. There is communal hunting in which Dane guns, and sticks are used. This hunting expedition is known as 'Damaru' or 'Dambaru'. In the old dry season, the people burn their bushes, called 'doomena' to harass animals from their living or hiding places. They chase the animals while running away from the burning bush and kill them.             Hunters with Dane guns often go individually or in groups of two, three or more far away into the bush for days and return with loads of bush meat.
    Below are some of the pictures taken during damaru and some animals killed.

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Sunday, 31 March 2019

Borgu Empire

 Borgu was an Empire comprised of Nikki(Barutem), Bussa, and Illo. The inhabitants of Borgu are the Baatombu, Boko (Bissa, Boo and Bokobaru) and minor ethnic groups such as Kambari, Larry and so on.
 The name Borgu is believed to be a corruption or manipulation of "Baru-wu", which in Baatonum means "the town of Baru-wu", or Baru-guuh, which means"the territory of Baru" in Bokobaru language. Baru-wu or Baru-guuh could also be called "Barutem" meaning "the land or territory of Baru", but to avoid confusion, Barutem would be used to mean the Empire without Bussa and Illo. And Borgu to include to include Bussa and Illo in general.

Is Borgu an Empire or a Kingdom?

An Empire is a large multi-ethnic state ruled by a central authority,often through military force. It could consist of multiple provinces or political entities, but they must all be subservient to the emperor. In other hand, a Kingdom is a country ruled by either a king or queen. It is usually ethnically homogeneous with a common language, history, culture, and sense of identity. There should be consensus among the people that the monarchy has a dentist jure right to rule over them.

So therefore, Borgu could be termed as an Empire, because it has satisfied the requirement of the above definition of an Empire. Borgu would be considered an an Empire and not as a Kingdom.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

The Borgu Empire

Borgu was an empire comprised of'; Nikki (Barutem), Bussa, and llo. The inhabitants of Borgu are the Baatombu, Boko (Bissa, Boo, and Bokobaru) and minor ethnic groups, (Kambari, Laru and so on). The name Borgu is believed to be a corruption/manipulation of "Baru-wu", which n Baatonum means "the town of Baru", or Baru-guuh, which means "the territory of Baru" in Bokobaru language. Baru-wu or Baru-guuh could also be called "Barutem", meaning "the land or territory of Baru", but to avoid confusion, Barutem would be used to mean the empire without. Bussa and Illo, and Borgu to include Bussa and Illo.Borgu lies between the first and fourth meridian of East Longitude and occupies areas bounded in the south by militaristic Yoruba-Dahomey land, in the north by the river Niger and Dendi Zabermaland (Songhay), in the east by the River Niger and Nupeland, and in the west by Atacora Mountains and Gurma-Sombaland, who did not have a centralized state of organization.During the British colonial era, the area was within the territory claimed by the Royal Niger Company, but rivalry between Britain and France for control of the trade on the River Niger led to occupation of areas by the French, for instance at Illo, and the stationing of the British West African Frontier Force at Yashikira and elsewhere in the region.The matter was settled by the Anglo-French Delineation Agreement and later the British Government divided Nigeria into Northern and Southern Protectorates. Borgu became part of the Northern Nigeria Protectorate. British posts were established along the Niger River and at Jebba, Zungeru, Lokoja and Illo, and a mail route was established between them for communication with Britain.In spite of their separation by the colonial border there are still many exchanges between the petty kingdoms of Borgu situated in Benin and Nigeria. The three major Kingdoms are Bussa, Illo, and Nikki. Bussa is traditionally considered to be the spiritual center of Borgu, Nikki the center of political powers and Illo the commercial emporium.

Monday, 1 January 2018

The Borgu Musical Pounders or The Talking Mortars.

   Whether for domestic or commercial purpose pounding as you know is a stressful activity. The Baatonu women in the video(pounding Shea nut.) are displaying one of the age-long Heritage of the Great Borgu Kingdom by which women motivate themselves and eliminate the fatique and boredom associated with pounding. It's practiced among Baatonu women in particular.
   In those day, ladies especially the married ones with partners uses this method in responding to themselves to settle scores in the never ending game of rivalry. The pounding women takes the initiative and begin the process by pounding in proverbs and the other woman whose senses must have gotten the message passed by the pounder. It could be used to sing the praises of their loved ones, geneology, or their sons/daughters.
The ponding is technical and not ordinary because there are syntax which must be followed by the pounder in order to make a meaningful sound while the other listen carefully and decode/decode the sound to prepare for her own turn to pound. However, the woman at the receiving end(decoder) will have to wait till her turn to cook in the like-manner(pounding) and she will respond to the first pounder's message(abuses) and the pounding therefore goes on and on.

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